Sengoku White Helmet 3D Printer STL File


PLEASE READ: You are purchasing a 3D PRINT FILE not an actual PHYSICAL item! There ARE NO REFUNDS!

3D PRINT FILES for the Sengoku White Helmet!
(Part of Apr23 Patreon Rewards)


– Comes with two different main head pieces, one with the eyes built in and one without. The one without is for using lights.

– Comes with the optional hair piece that you can print and attach instead of having to use real hair

– Comes with a version of the face mask that you can wear on its own. Think like a mortal combat mask

-Comes with 2 versions of the back panels, one that you can use real ropes to fasten them and one that is modeled in

– Comes with an optional front panels in case you want to change up the look.

– Comes with all the pieces attached version for easy scaling